Upon reading, you will learn that the 4th July has been celebrated since 1776, marking American independence from the British empire.
Although July 4th is not celebrated in the UK, our USA audience means a lot to us, which has encouraged me to look into this monumental date further and what it means to our brothers and sisters in the US.
It boggles me to think that Britain, an area of land that small could dominate such an expanse of land that is America; but then Iām reminded of the notion that in small, you often find mighty, which we must never underestimate.
Since that date in 1776, America has seen so many changes.
To mark the occasion, celebrations on this day include fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, baseball games, amongst other amusement.
America means opportunity, freedom, power to many people. To some, it seems as though they never will experience the fullness of this promise.
Ultimately, as āThe Good Coffee Projectā¢ļøĀ“, we are on a mission to see the farmers who grow our coffee around the world liberated from the hundreds of years of exploitation that they have never been free from or independent of.
We have partnered with global technology specialistsĀ who have seen the opportunity in what we are buildingĀ and helping us to createĀ a solution through the implementation of blockchain technology. This means that the money you spend on your coffee with us is a transaction that is traceable and immutable, meaning it is permanently visible on the blockchain and cannot be edited in any way.
The funds we raise through our various channels will be attributed to a community wallet that will be held in safe storage until it is time to develop the communities we are working with in the agricultural and suburban communities growing our coffee.
We cannot wait to share more with you, as our community in America and Canada is growing as well as in Africa, Asia and Latin America where we have partnerships pending. The potential outcome of this will be huge for the coffee community and we look forward to growing with you!
Connect with us by subscribing to our newsletters where we will keep you informed of our major announcements, developments and news.
Join the fifth wave of coffee with us.
The Good Coffee Projectā¢ļø
āAn Independent Coffee Movementā āš½