A blog post on the first day of every month has become somewhat of a tradition, much like Thanksgiving, where we get to spend time with loved ones and enables a consistent way to communicate with you all. As the Founder, it’s important that I keep you informed of our progress where The Good Coffee Project is still in development phase, where we want to maintain a connection with our growing audience.
Sharing our progress with you has meant that people, even those who do not support the work we do and those who see what we do as a threat rather than the opportunity to collaborate and/or be truly inspired in creating outside of the traditional ideas of how a coffee company should operate.
For this reason, this month’s blog will not be as detailed as some months, where as a company, it is very trying to not be acknowledged for the work we are doing and the lives we want to positively impact.
Ultimately, it may be said that I am happy to share freely but not for others to take on our ideals within their marketing/branding and not give us the relevant credit, especially the companies that no longer or have never supported our efforts.
As a small company, it is not easy to build based on integrity and making sure that we are truly ethical throughout our operations. Even a statement as simple as this will be inspiration for others but yet not even a simple ‘like’ to say thank you or we appreciate you…
For this reason, the blog today will be brief and an assurance that we are working on things behind the scenes. It’s also important to make you aware of our developments, for those who have been early customers, or invested in this brand in any way. You are appreciated! 😊
To give you some more insight, the development is to do with improved digital access to our brand and how we can engage more with our audience, which is extremely important as we build this brand together.
Again, happy new month! Wishing you all a wonderful December and an assurance that all updates will be communicated in due course :)